Ilija Dragisic

How to get the most out of the Outpost chess community

How to get the most out of the Outpost chess community

By using the Outpost platform you can explore exciting things in one place within the chess community. Whether you are a chess player, tournament organizer, club, arbiter, trainer, or streamer you can use Outpost differently.

Outpost is made with one thing in mind, how to improve the experience of all participants in the chess world. Different chess roles give different perspectives on challenges and solutions that can improve one's chess life.

From the player perspective, we strive to have access to the most lucrative tournaments with a large prize pool that can give us the option to fulfill the norm or to obtain a particular title or FIDE rating. Within the Outpost chess community players can discover various chess tournaments. You as a player can browse through the Tournament Calendar and choose the country and tournament type you would like to play. Or you can discover online tournaments without the need to travel. With the Wallet feature players can receive their awards and have cash prizes instantly and securely without going into the bank.

Chess Tournament organizers have different needs. They are looking for the proper database of players who are willing to play so they can invite them to their chess tournaments. With the Outpost invite feature organizers are able to invite only players that are interested in such engagement. Besides this Outpost is the perfect place to announce their tournaments, register players and manage the registrant list.

Within the Outpost win-win option for both players and Chess Tournament Organizers is that they can easily and hassle-free transfer money for the entry tickets. This way players don't need to go elsewhere to make the payment and tournament organizers have everything in one place and they can see easily who pays for the entry. At the end that list can be downloaded so it can be used for pairing.

Trainers and Students can meet easily and find each other via Intelligent search. Both parties can use the Inbox feature to chat and agree if they are a good fit and how they both can benefit from the mutual collaboration.

Arbiters now have their role and they can be discovered via Intelligent search. Now tournament organizers don't need to text and call numerous contacts to find the perfect match. Easily with the search in Outpost, everyone can filter users by their title and find the person who can jump on board for the chess tournament.

Streamers have their say here as well. Even tho they are exposed on streaming platforms like Twitch, YouTube, or Discord here everybody can discover them and engage with their accounts on those services. Everybody like to hear or to be informed about the match, or new strategy and tactic. Watching relevant streamers can help you be involved in the chess community.

In the end, we users here in the Outpost can make things better just by suggesting what feature can help us to leverage this community to thrive in the chess world. Feel free to shoot the email or use the Inbox feature to suggest what would you like to see on Outpost and the team will give its best to make it happen.

Keep Outpostin'

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